Santosha - contentment, one of the niyamas Saraswati - goddess of knowledge, speech and learning; name of a
sacred submerged river; another term for sushumna nadi; a
minor nadi situated on the tongue Satchitananda - the supreme reality as self-existent existence
consciousness-bliss Sattwa - third of the three gunas or qualities of nature; steadiness,
purity, harmony Sattwic - pertaining to sattwa Satya - truthfulness; one of the yamas, according to Patanjali's
Yoga Sutras Satya loka - one of the seven higher dimensions of consciousness;
also called Brahma loka Satyam - the unchanging principle Saumya - relating or sacred to the moon; having the properties of
soma; one of the minor nadis Shabda - sound; object of the sense of hearing; property of space
(akasha) Shakti - primal energy; manifest consciousness; subtle creative
and vital energy; counterpart of Shiva Shankhini - one of the seven lesser nadis, flowing from the throat
to the anus Shanti - peace Shatkarma - group of six purifying practices of classical hatha
yoga, viz. dhauti, basti, neti, nauli, trataka and kapalbhati Shaucha - cleanliness; one of the niyamas, according to Patanjali's
Yoga Sutras Shikha - tuft of hair kept by Hindu Brahmins on the top of the
back of the head Shivalingam - black oval-shaped stone worshipped as symbol of
Shiva; symbol of consciousness Shodhana - purification Shoonya - void; state of absolute nothingness in which no object is
experienced Shuddhi - purification Shura - one of the minor nadis Siddha - perfected being; accomplished soul particularly char
acterized by eight supernatural faculties called siddhis Siddhi - perfection; paranormal or supernormal accomplishment;
control of mind and prana