And again, the air should be quickly inhaled up to the heart lotus. Accordingly, the resounding is felt from the heart and throat up to the cranium.
(2:61) In that way, it (the breath) is inhaled and exhaled repeatedly with the same motion as a pair of bellows being pumped.
(2:62) Thus, in this way, one keeps the breath moving with mindfulness (awareness and body steadiness. When the body is tired, then inhale through the right nostril. (2:63)
Accordingly, when the abdomen becomes full of air, then quickly hold the nostrils (and breath) firmly, without using the index and middle fingers (i.e. using the thumb and ring finger as in nasikagra mudra).
(2:64) Having performed (pranayama and) retention systematically, exhale through the left nostril. Thereby, imbalances of wind, bile and mucus are annihilated and the digestive fire increased.
(2:65) This (bhastrika) quickly arouses kundalini. It is pleasant and beneficial, and removes obstruction due to excess mucus accumulated at the entrance to brahma nadi.
(2:66) This kumbhaka called bhastrika enables the three granthis (psychic pranic knots) to be broken. Thus it is the duty of the yogi to practise bhastrika.
(2:67) Breathe in quickly, making a reverberating sound like the black male bee, and exhale slowly while softly making the sound of the female black bee. By this yogic practice, one becomes lord of yogis and one's mind is absorbed in bliss.
At the end of inhalation, gradually become fixed in jalandhara bandha, then exhale slowly. This is called the fainting or swooning pranayama as it makes the mind inactive and (thus) confers pleasure.