Fig. 1: Modified wave forms when moola bandha is practised by itself.
Fig. 2: Wave forms when the three bandhas are performed together.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2 Likewise, the influence of uddiyana bandha - performed by breathing out, holding the breath externally and sucking in the abdominal area - expands the field around manipura chakra. When practised by itself, this bandha extends the ionoplasmic field in greater density from swadhisthana to anahata and when combined with jalandhara bandha, the field is expanded from swadhisthana to ajna.
The third bandha, moola bandha, is practised by contracting the area of the perineum. When practised by itself the field around mooladhara is expanded and practised in conjunction with uddiyana and jalandhara bandhas, the ionoplasmic field from mooladhara to ajna is expanded.
When jalandhara, uddiyana and moola bandhas are practised simultaneously in maha bandha, one of the most important techniques in many advanced yogic sadhanas, it increases the ionoplasmic and pranic energies throughout the body and develops and activates many dormant brain cells.