Chinmaya Mudra (gesture of manifested consciousness)
Assume a meditation asana. Relax into the posture. Hold the fingers in the, same way as forjnana mudra. Fold the three straightened fingers so that the tips touch or point towards the palm. The index finger can either touch the root or the tip of the thumb. Place the hands on the knees with the palms facing either
up or down. Benefits: This mudra influences prana and stimulates move
ment in the thoracic area. The acupuncture meridian points concerned here affect respiration.
Aadi Mudra (primal or first attitude)
Assume a meditation asana. Relax into the posture. Fold the thumb into the palms of the hands; then slowly curl each finger over the thumb to make a fist. Place the hand on the knees with the palms either up or
down. Benefits: This mudra influences upper chest breathing.