benefit of the index and middle fingers pressing the eyebrow centre, gently stimulating bhrumadhya, the kshetram or trigger point of ajna chakra. Choose the position which suits you best.
Jnana Mudra (psychic gesture of knowledge)
Assume a comfortable meditation posture. Fold the index fingers of both hands so that they touch the inside root of their respective thumbs. The other three fingers should be straight but relaxed. Place the hand on the knees with the palms facing downward.
Relax the hands and arms. Practice note: This mudra is used for meditation and
pranayama practices.
Variation: The tip of the thumb touches the tip of index
finger to form a circle.
Chin Mudra (psychic gesture of consciousness)
This mudra is performed in the same way as jnana mudra except that the palms of both hands face upwards, with the backs of the hands resting on the knees.