The hands may be placed on the knees in jnana, chin or chinmaya mudra, or they may be placed in the lap.
Close the eyes and relax the whole body. Contra-indications: Swastikasana should not be performed
by people with sciatica or sacral infections. Benefits: Swastikasana is a healthy position to sit in, especially
for those suffering from varicose veins, tired and aching
muscles or fluid retention in the legs. Practice note: This is the easiest classical meditation asana
and is a simplified version of siddhasana.
Vajrasana (thunderbolt pose)
Kneel on the floor. Bring the big toes together so they cross, and separate the heels. The knees should be together, the heels are apart. Lower the buttocks on to the insides of the feet, with the heels touching the sides of the hips. Place the hands on the knees, palms down. The back and the head should be straight, but not tense.
Close the eyes, relax the arms and the whole body. Benefits: Vajrasana alters the flow of blood, prana and nervous
impulses in the pelvic and visceral regions. People with sciatica or sacral disabilities should use this asana for