Fold the right leg and place the right foot on top of the left thigh. Place the hands on the knees in chin orjnana mudra.
Keep the back, neck and head straight. Contra-indications: Those who suffer from sciatica or knee
problems should not perform this asana. Benefits: The same benefits as given for padmasana but at a
reduced level. Practice note: This pose is to be practised in preference to
sukhasana. By alternately placing either foot in the elevated position, the practitioner will slowly prepare the legs for the practice of padmasana and other classical meditative poses. However, this asana should also be dropped when full padmasana, siddhasana or siddha yoni asana can be maintained comfortably.
Padmasana (lotus pose)
Sit with the legs extended forward in front of the body. Fold one leg and place its foot on top of the opposite thigh. The sole of the foot must be upward and the heel should touch the pelvic bone. Fold the other leg and place its foot on top of the other thigh. Both knees should, ideally, touch the ground in the final position.