Sukhasana (the easy pose) can be used if the other postures are too difficult. However, you should aim to sit in one of the other postures eventually, because in sukhasana there is a tendency for the body to slump forward and compress the abdominal region. Not only is breathing enhanced by the correct upright position, but the flow of nerve impulses, tissue fluids and prana is also improved.
The sitting postures for pranayama provide a stable base for the trunk, as well as a pelvic position which keeps the trunk upright and steady. The location of the spine in relation to the pelvis should be such that the weight of the head and trunk bears down squarely on the base provided by the legs. This is achieved by projecting the buttocks slightly backwards and the lower back slightly forwards. Check that you are sitting on the ischial tuberosities (body prominences on the lower side of the buttocks). Incorrect posture will give a tendency for the back to slump because extra strain is imposed on the lower back muscles, which tend to relax over a period of time.
The head must also be in alignment with the base, to prevent undue muscular effort in holding it upright, and to allow for a free flow of air through the trachea. The poor posture shown in Figure 3 indicates how excessive strain is placed on the spine and neck, and the lungs are compressed by the abdominal organs when the body is not held upright. Figure 2 shows the correct balanced posture with trunk, neck and head all held in alignment over the base provided by the legs. If this posture is difficult, a small pillow or folded blanket under the buttocks can give support, as shown in Figure 1. Many people will find this cushion necessary and it is quite acceptable when sitting for extended periods.
In the asana, try to elongate the spine from the base to the top, lifting it upward. Then relax your shoulders and arms, still keeping the spine straight. If the body is properly balanced, the back will be straight but relaxed. Inhaling as the spine is stretched up and exhaling as the shoulders relax down is quite a helpful and natural action.