increase its power. Agnisara kriya does just that, as well as purifying the digestive system and its associated organs, and allowing the optimum assimilation of nutrients from food ingested.
Sit in bhadrasana with the big toes touching, or in padmasana. Inhale deeply. Exhale, emptying the lungs as much as possible. Lean forward slightly, straightening the elbows. Push down on the knees with the hands and perform jalandhara bandha. Contract and expand the abdominal muscles rapidly for as long as it is possible to hold the breath outside comfortably. Do not strain. Release jalandhara bandha. When the head is upright, take a slow, deep breath in. This is one round. Relax until the breathing normalizes before commencing
the next round. Duration: Beginners may find this practice difficult and
quickly become tired due to lack of voluntary control over the abdominal muscles. The muscles must be slowly and gradually developed over a period of time.