and out through the left nostril 10 times in quick succession, as in kapalbhati pranayama. Repeat through the right nostril, with the left nostril closed.
Perform once more through both nostrils. 2. Bend forward from the waist so that the trunk is horizontal.
Repeat the same process as described above, but tilt the head to the right, closing the right nostril. Repeat again, tilting the head to the left and closing the left nostril. Finally, repeat again with the head centred, breathing
through both nostrils. Practice note: This step helps to drain trapped water from
the sinus cavities. 3. Stand erect with the feet apart. Close the right nostril and
exhale forcefully while bending forward rapidly from the waist. Inhale normally while returning to the upright position. Repeat 5 times. Repeat with the right nostril open and then with both nostrils open. Do not blow the nose too hard as the remaining water may be pushed into the ears. If necessary, perform shashankasana for several minutes
to allow the drainage of any remaining water. Duration: The practice should take about 5 minutes. Neti
may be practised daily, once or twice a week, or as required. After some practice, a full neti pot may be used for each
nostril. Sequence: Jala neti is ideally practised in the morning before
asana and pranayama. However, if necessary, it may be
performed at any time, except after meals. Precautions: The water should only pass through the nostrils.
If any water enters the throat or mouth it causes no harm, but indicates that the position of the head needs to be adjusted. Make sure that the nose is properly dried after the practice, otherwise the nasal passages and sinuses may become irritated and manifest the symptoms of a cold.