At the end of the round, inhale deeply. Exhale slowly and completely. Retain the breath outside for a comfortable length of time. Practice up to 5 rounds.
Technique 5: with bandhas
After mastering internal and external retention the bandhas may be added. Jalandhara and moola bandhas may be combined during internal retention and maha bandha during external retention. At the end of each round, inhale deeply. Hold the breath inside without straining. Practise jalandhara bandha and moola bandha during internal retention. Release moola bandha, jalandhara bandha, and then exhale. Hold the breath outside and practise maha bandha. Retain the breath and the bandha for a comfortable length of time without straining. Release maha bandha and inhale.
Practise up to 5 rounds. Practice note: Proceed slowly with awareness of the effects of
the practice. Build up the number of breaths, number of rounds and length of retention gradually. Do not strain by practising for extended periods. If breathlessness is experienced, discontinue the practice or reduce the number
of rounds to a comfortable level. Awareness: Physical - on rhythmic, forceful exhalation.
Spiritual - on the void at the eyebrow centre or on all
pervading calmness. Sequence: Practise just before meditation techniques.