to the conscious mind from this level. When this sheath is awakened, one begins to experience life at an intuitive level, to see the underlying reality behind outer appearances. This leads to wisdom.
The fifth sheath is anandamaya kosha, the level of bliss. and beatitude. This is the causal or transcendental body, the abode of the most subtle prana.
The Panel"a Koshas
Prana and the koshas
All the five sheaths are pervaded by prana, which nourishes. and sustains them and maintains their appropriate relationship. The movement from one kosha to another is also achieved with the help of prana. How prana operates in between the koshas can be understood by the example of a gearshift in a car. One moves in between the gears through the neutral. The car is also stopped and reversed by first putting it into neutral. Neutral is not a gear; the gears are first, second, third, fourth and reverse. However, without the neutral space in between, one cannot shift from one gear to another. The same principle applies to the koshas.