Technique 5: with bandhas
After antar and bahir kumbhaka have been mastered, the bandhas may be added.
At the end of each round, inhale deeply and hold the breath inside.
Practise jalandhara bandha and then moola bandha.
The duration of inner retention can gradually be increased up to 30 seconds.
After the inner retention, release moola bandha, jalandhara bandha, and then exhale.
Hold the breath outside and practise maha bandha. Release maha bandha and inhale.
Practise up to 5 rounds.
Practice note: The number of breaths may be increased by 5 per month to a maximum count of 50 respirations through the left, right and both nostrils. However, it is not necessary to increase the number of breaths in each of the techniques. Increase the number of breaths per round only when it can be done without any discomfort. The practise of each technique with 20 rapid breaths will bring noticeable benefits. Those wishing to increase the number of breaths to more than 50, or the number of rounds to over 10, should do so only under the guidance of an expert teacher. The same systematic pattern of building up the practice should be followed for external retention as was practised for internal retention. This allows the body, nervous system, mind and emotions to adjust gradually. After practising simple external retention for some time, add the bandhas until maha bandha is achieved. Continue with bhastrika until the breath stops by itself. Then discontinue the practice. In the course of practice, the frequency, depth and velocity of bhastrika become more and more intense.
Benefits: When bhastrika is practised systematically and conscientiously, the benefits are innumerable. Due to the rapid exchange of air in the lungs, there is an increase in the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide into and out