mechanism is stimulated. Agnisara kriya utilizes bahir kumbhaka at the time of moving the abdomen, whereas swana pranayama involves rapid respiration using the same abdominal movement. This is a different action from normal abdominal breathing, which uses the diaphragm. With swana pranayama, the abdominal muscles themselves are used.
Technique l: basic method
Sit in either bhadrasana with the hands on the knees or in simhasana with the palms of the hands on the floor, fingers pointing towards the body (see Appendix B). Keep the head upright and breathe in slowly and deeply through the nose. Extend the tongue out of the mouth, then forcefully breathe in and out through the mouth 10 times by pushing the abdomen in and out. Be aware that the movement is harmonious and rhythmical. On exhalation the stomach moves inward, on inhalation it extends outward. This breathing is exactly like an animal panting. Begin slowly and rhythmically; gradually increase the speed and number of breaths up to 25 per round. Breathe normally in between each round before continuing with the next. Practise 5 rounds.