Chandra Bheda Pranayama (moon piercing breath) Chandra means 'moon' and indicates ida nadi. Bhedan means 'to pierce'. This pranayama pierces ida nadi and fills it with, shakti by breathing in through the left nostril only and out through the right nostril only. In this way there is a predominant stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system and right brain hemisphere. This practice should only be done under expert guidance, as the awakened forces of manas shakti are not controlled easily. Generally, this technique is not publicized.
Technique l: basic method
Sit in any comfortable meditation asana. Keep the head and spine straight. Relax the whole body. Observe the breath until it becomes slow and deep. Practise nasagra mudra. Close the right nostril, inhaling slowly and deeply through the left. At the end of inhalation, close both nostrils and retain the breath inside. Bend the head forward in jalandhara bandha and hold the breath and the lock for as long as is comfortable. Raise the head and exhale slowly through the right nostril. This is one round. Practice 10 rounds, gradually increasing the length of inhalation and exhalation. The breathing ratios of 1:1:1, then 1:2:2, and later 1:4:2 may be applied.
Technique 2: with moola bandha and shambhavi mudra
Moola bandha and shambhavi mudra may also be applied during internal breath retention. Practise 10 rounds only.
Technique 3: Chandra Anga Pranayama (moon part breath)
Perform the same technique and stages as described for chandra bheda.