If they become tired, close them during exhalation.
Practise for 5-10 minutes. Contra-indications: People suffering from heart disease should
practise without retention. Those suffering from depression, low blood pressure and chronic constipation should
avoid this practice. Benefits: The practice of kaki pranayama is said to make one
as healthy as a crow, which never falls ill. It is an overall tonic, cools the body and mind, dispels fatigue and restlessness, and alleviates disorders such as high blood pressure. It has the added benefits of nasikagra drishti, purifies the blood and stimulates the digestive secretions, aiding the digestive process generally.
Ujjayi Pranayama (psychic breath) Ujjayi means 'victorious' and comes from the root ujji, 'to conquer' or 'acquire by conquest'. Ujjayi is one of the most important, yet one of the simplest pranayamas. It is practised by contracting the glottis and breathing through the throat. When done correctly, ujjayi breathing sounds like a cat purring or a baby snoring. When a healthy child sleeps, he always breathes by contracting the glottis, so that the sound of the breath comes from the throat. This kind of breathing is replicated in ujjayi. Of course, the breath flows through the nostrils, but the glottis is contracted so a light snoring sound is produced by the breath in the throat.
Ujjayi is a deep breathing practice which is perfected by relaxing the breath rather than forcing it. It is the one pranayama that may be practised in any position - standing, sitting or prone. Ujjayi is also known as the psychic breath, as it induces a meditative state and leads to very subtle states of mind. It is an indispensable part of many meditative techniques such as mantra japa, ajapa japa, kriya yoga and prana vidya.