Tranquillizing Pranayamas
The tranquillizing practices of pranayama are designed
to relax the body and mind, while simultaneously increasing the pranic capacity and conscious awareness. These pranayamas stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system and draw the awareness within. Some bring about greater psychic sensitivity, while others cool the system. The tranquillizing techniques are usually practised after nadi shodhana, which balances the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems by regulating the breath flow in the alternate nostrils. Therefore, the tranquillizing practices are done through both nostrils together and in some cases through the mouth. These practices should be avoided by persons who are excessively introverted, oversensitive or psychically unbalanced, as they may exacerbate these conditions.
Sheetali and Sheetkari Pranayamas These two practices were designed to reduce body heat and are very effective during hot weather. The root word sheet means 'cold' while sheetal means 'calm, passionless and unemotional'. So, these practices cool both the body and mind. Sheetali and sheetkari are cooling practices, because the inhalation takes place through the mouth, rather than the nose. When the breath is drawn in through the mouth, evaporation of the moisture on the tongue and the inner surfaces of the mouth cool the air. This cooled air then cools