is a high ionic concentration in the region of prana, udana, samana and a low concentration in apana and vyana.) The ionic concentration is thus not homogeneous yet. When the breath is held, the concentration of ions becomes equal in all parts of ida nadi. At the chakras where ida and pingala are in the closest proximity, the negative ions from ida migrate towards pingala attracted by its positive ions, and many are annihilated as they merge. This has the effect of depleting the number of ions in both ida and pingala, but more so in pingala, because of the high concentration of negative ions in ida. This also causes energy to be liberated in various forms such as heat, light and pranic energy, which has to be absorbed, transformed or removed in part.
During exhalation through the right nostril, the heat component of the energy produced by the above ionic annihilation process is liberated. Pingala nadi has a very small concentration of positive ions and is thus prepared to receive the influx of positive ions in the next part of the round. During external retention, the ionic concentrations in both ida and pingala are homogenized and a state of equilibrium is reached.
Inhalation through the right nostril increases the positive ion concentration in pingala. It rises quickly to a maximum level and then decreases slowly just as in the case of ida. During retention, the ion concentration in pingala is homogenized, and ion migration to ida (and annihilation) takes place. So, the process of nadi shodhana produces a kind of ionic seesaw.
Benefits of nadi shodhana Nadi shodhana is a panacea for all imbalances. When the balance in the autonomic nervous system is restored, the root causes of many diseases are tackled and over a period of time removed. Regular practice of nadi shodhana also helps to maintain the pineal gland, thereby influencing the pituitary gland and the flow of hormones into the blood. Nadi shodhana activates the frontal brain and ajna chakra, thereby inducing