Begin with the count of 5:15:10:10.
Increase the count gradually, without strain. Stage 6: The final ratio is 1:4:2:2.
Begin with the count of 5:20:10:10.
Increase the count gradually, without strain.
Addition of bandhas
When technique 4 has been mastered, it may be practised in conjunction with jalandhara, moola and uddiyana bandhas. First practise jalandhara bandha with internal and external breath retention only. When this practice has been perfected, combine jalandhara and moola bandha with internal and external breath retention. After this, combine jalandhara and moola bandhas during internal retention and maha bandha during external retention.
Variation: Anuloma Viloma (mental nadi shodhana) Anuloma viloma is a mental adaptation of nadi shodhana pranayama, and has a subde and balancing effect. Simple nadi shodhana is practised without using nasagra mudra, but with the help of the mind and imagination. This technique subtly demonstrates the power of the mind. Even though one may be imagining the breath in the alternate nostrils at first, in time one will actually feel the breath moving in the nostrils by mental command. The advantage of this technique is that it can be practised in one's daily sadhana and at other times as well. It can be done while sitting, lying, standing or walking.
Anuloma viloma can be practised as per the beginning and intermediate levels of nadi shodhana. By the time the advanced level is reached, the breathing should be very subtle, and anuloma viloma will become superfluous. Anuloma viloma has a calming effect on the nervous system, and can be practised during stressful situations without other people's knowledge. It is an on-the-spot tranquillizer, which also promotes clarity of mind and awareness, without adverse side effects.