Practise until the ratio is comfortable and there is no tendency to speed up the count during retention or exhalation due to shortness of breath.
Practice note: When this has been perfected and there is no discomfort, the count can be gradually increased by adding 1 unit to the inhalation, 3 units to the retention and 2 units to the exhalation. The count of one round will then be 6:18:12. In this manner, gradually increase the count to 10:30:20.
Stage 5: Change to the ratio of 1:4:2.
Begin with the count of 5:20:10.
Once this count has been established, it can be gradually increased.
Practice note: Add 1 unit to the inhalation, 4 units to the retention and 2 units to the exhalation. The count of one round will then be 6:24:12. In this manner, gradually increase the count to 10:40:20. Contra-indications: Technique 3 is not suitable for women in the later half of pregnancy. It is not recommended for persons with heart problems, high blood pressure, emphysema or any major disorders. From stage 2 onward it is not recommended for asthmatics.
Benefits: The inner retention of breath, which characterizes technique 3, activates various brain centres and harmonizes the pranas. The benefits increase with the progression of the ratios. The ratio 1:4:2 is most widely recommended in the yogic texts. It gives profound psychological and pranic effects and is used as a preparation for kundalini awakening.
Advanced practice with addition of bandhas
The three bandhas: jalandhara (throat lock), moola (perineal lock) and uddiyana (abdominal lock), are to be added in the following practices. Before applying the bandhas, they should be perfected as individual practices. For details of the bandhas refer to Appendix D. The ratio and count of the practice should be reduced when adding the bandhas, so that strain is avoided. Extend the count gradually as previously instructed.