digits (twenty-seven inches), and while performing physical exercise, it is much longer.
Maximum prana is utilized by the brain. If the brain is not supplied with sufficient prana, the mind becomes restless and disturbed, and constantly dives into negative thoughts. This is evident from the fact that when one is hungry or ill, one tends to become irritable. The quantum of prana in the body has gone down and the brain circuits are protesting the lack.
Although the breath is gross and prana is subtle, the two are intrinsically connected. One can influence the level of prana shakti in the body with the help of the breath. When prana is influenced through modification of the breath, all the functions of the body, brain, mind and consciousness are affected. The practices of pranayama raise the levels of prana by working with the breath and lead to prana vidya, inner knowledge or experience of prana. A significant outcome of pranic awareness is that one is able to gain control over the mind.
When prana moves, the mind thinks and the senses perceive their respective objects. By developing sensitivity to prana, one becomes more aware of the subtle forces of the mind, which arise in the form of thoughts, feelings, emotions, responses, impressions, symbols and knowledge. Prana is grosser than the mind and hence easier to control. Thus, when prana is caught the flighty mind is caught too. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika (2:42) states:
मारुते मध्यसंचारे मन:स्थैर्य प्रजायते।
यो मनःसुस्थिरीभावः सैवावस्था मनोन्मनी ।। The movement of the breath in the middle passage makes the mind still. This steadiness of mind is the state of manonmani (devoid of thought).
As one works with prana and its quantum and quality improve, the dormant areas of the brain awaken. Normally only one-tenth of the human brain is active and the other nine parts remain inactive. This is because a high level of