वसन्ते शरदि प्रोक्तं योगारम्भं समाचरेत् ।
तथायोगी भवेत् सिद्धो रोगान्मुक्तो भवेद् ध्रुवम् ॥ The practice of yoga should be commenced by a beginner in spring or autumn. By doing so he attains success, and verily he does not become liable to disease. High mountains and cold climates, where the pure air is thick with negative ions, are very helpful for intensive pranayama sadhana. The yoga texts also state that the pranayama practitioner should not warm himself by fire, because fire depletes negative ions.
The place of practice must be treated as sacred. In Dattatreya's Yoga Shastra the place of practice is described (v. 107-111):
सुशोभनं मंठ कुर्यात्सूक्ष्मद्वारं तु निघुणम् । सुष्ठु लिप्तं गोमयेन सुधया वा प्रयत्नतः ॥ मत्कुणैः मशकैः भूतैः वर्जितं च प्रयत्नतः। दिन-दिने सुसम्मृष्टं सम्मार्जन्या ह्यतन्द्रितः।
वासितं च सुगंधेन धूपितं गुग्गुलादिभिः ॥ To practise pranayama, the yogi should prepare a small cloister. The door should be small and the room should be free of all germs. The floor and walls should be wiped carefully with cow-dung or lime, so that the room remains free of bugs, mosquitoes and spiders. It should be swept daily and perfumed with incense and resin.
Four sittings of pranayama practice should be undertaken daily at the following times: early morning, midday, evening and midnight. While practising one must sit facing east or north. Nadi shodhana pranayama should be practised for at least three months until the count of 20:80:40:40 is achieved, before commencing any other pranayama.
The sadhaka should avoid excessive company. Dattatreya says, "The pranayama yogi should avoid the company of