Fatigue: One should not continue pranayama practice when fatigued. There must always be joy and exhilaration during and after the practice. One should come out of the practice fully invigorated and refreshed.
Illness: Pranayama should not be practised during illness. One should suspend the practice at this time and rest until health is restored. When recommencing the practice, one should not start at the same level where one left off. Instead, one should revert to a previous stage of practice where the program can be continued at a comfortable level. If suffering from any disease, one should inform the teacher or guide before commencing any course of pranayama practice.
Pregnancy: Pranayama provides many benefits during pregnancy. Women are more sensitive and responsive to prana while nurturing new life within the womb. The enhanced breathing ensures a plentiful supply of oxygen to the placenta. Techniques such as bhastrika and kapalbhati are useful during labour. Bhramari has also proved to be useful (see Chapter 16: 'Research on Breath and Pranayama'). Balancing pranayamas help the mother maintain equilibrium between her own needs and those of the child. However, the practice should always be well within the range of the mother's capability, and no practice should be forced. Kumbhaka and uddiyana bandha are restricted during pregnancy.
Possible side effects: When practising pranayama for the first time, a few symptoms may be experienced by normally healthy people, such as itching, tingling, burning, heat or cold, lightness or heaviness. The pulse may become rapid and there may be slight dizziness or pain. Sometimes, aspirants experience pain at the dorsal region. These symptoms do not indicate incorrect practice, but that the body is trying to adjust to the practice. However, if the reactions persist, one should have the technique checked.
Traditional texts on pranayama also describe effects such as trembling, perspiring, shaking, etc. that refer to a high stage of practice. A half-hour practice will not result in these symptoms. Those who practise pranayama as a sadhana for