This circuit is made by the four meditation postures and strengthened by the application of mudras and bandhas. This may not apply to a beginner, but if one wants to advance in pranayama, then expertise in the meditation asanas is imperative. In the beginning however, one may sit in sukhasana (comfortable pose), especially if one is overweight.
Starting nostril: When alternate nostril breathing is used in nadi shodhana or bhastrika, usually the practice is begun from the left nostril. However, if the left nostril is blocked, one may begin with the right nostril. In the course of the practice the blocked nostril will become free and open.
The nose: Respiration begins with the nose and the breath in the nostrils is closely related to many subtle balances in the body/mind system; therefore, attention should be paid to ensuring its efficient operation. The practice of pranayama is obstructed by chronic or acute nasal disabilities. All breathing should be through the nose except where otherwise specified. The nasal cavity should be regularly cleaned by jala neti for efficient operation of the nostrils. This will increase sensitivity to the action of the breath and prana. Nasal blockages caused by colds and allergies respond positively to this regular cleaning.
Flaring the nostrils: The practitioner should be aware of the nostrils throughout the practice of pranayama. Conscious breathing allows the air to enter the nostrils more easily, evenly and in greater volume. Control of the nostrils allows them to contribute to a greater receptivity of the entire respiratory system. Conscious control of the nostrils will develop with practice.
Normally the nostrils barely move, if at all, during respiration. Ideally, however, the nostrils should expand outwards while inhaling and relax back to their natural position while exhaling. Flaring the nostrils is an important aspect of pranayama, particularly in bhramari, samavritti and nadi shodhana pranayamas. This simple practice alone will effectively facilitate the absorption of prana in the body, while increasing the air intake by up to ten percent.