The ayurvedic principle in regard to diet is: fill half the stomach with food, one quarter with water and leave one quarter empty. Given the opportunity most people overeat, when they could manage better on one balanced meal per day. Excessive eating satisfies the senses and the mind, but it places pressure on the diaphragm and lungs, and full-depth respiration becomes difficult.
Place: Pranayama should be practised in a clean environment to minimize the effects of pollution. One may practise in the open air or in a well-ventilated, clean and pleasant room. One should never perform pranayama in a foulsmelling, smoky or dusty room. Ideally, the place of practice should be somewhat isolated, away from people, noise and interruptions. Avoid practising in the sun or wind. The soft rays of the early morning sun are beneficial, but when they become stronger, they are harmful and the body will become overheated. Practising in a draught or wind may cause chills and upset the body temperature.
Cleanliness: Personal cleanliness is necessary for pranayama practice. If a full bath is not possible, one should wash the hands, face and feet with water. Bathing helps to wake up properly before commencing sadhana. However, one should not bathe immediately after pranayama; one should wait for at least half an hour.
Time of practice: Early morning is the best time to practise pranayama. At the time of brahmamuhurta (between four and six am) the vibrations of the atmosphere are in their purest state. The body is fresh and the mind has very few impressions, compared to its state at the end of the day. Most pranayamas should not be done in the heat of the day (unless a special sadhana is given by the guru). The yogic texts advise four periods for the practice of pranayama: sunrise, noon, sunset and midnight, but this is for advanced practitioners only.
Pranayama should not be practised after meals. One must wait for three hours after a meal before practising. An empty stomach ensures that the prana vayus are not concen