While retaining the breath outside, perform moola bandha with awareness of mooladhara chakra. Retain the breath and the bandha for as long as is
comfortable. Stage 2: Release moola bandha and slowly inhale, expanding
the abdomen and drawing the maximum volume of air into the lungs. Simultaneously raise the hands until they are in front of the navel. The hands should be open with the palms facing inward. The fingers should be pointing towards each other, but not touching. The upward movement of the hands should be coordinated with the abdominal inhalation. Relax the arms, hands and fingers. While inhaling from the abdomen, feel the prana being drawn upward from mooladhara to manipura chakra in
the spinal column. Stage 3: Continue the inhalation, expanding the chest.
Simultaneously raise the hands until they are directly in front of the heart. Feel the pranic energy being drawn upward from manipura to anahata chakra while inhaling. You may even feel a
pulse beat in the heart area. Stage 4: Inhale a little more air into the lungs, raising the
shoulders. Feel the prana being drawn up from anahata to vishuddhi chakra and then spreading like a wave to ajna chakra. Coordinate the hand movement with the breath, raising
the hands in front of the throat. Stage 5: Retain the breath inside and stretch the arms and
hands to either side in an arc. In the final position the hands should be level with the ears with the palms turned upwards towards the heavens. While spreading the arms feel the movement of prana from ajna to sahasrara.