the central, basal and apical areas of the lungs. Due to this even expansion, a greater expanse of alveolar membrane becomes available for gas exchange. The larger the surface area available, the more efficient is the gaseous exchange. In horizontal expansion, some alveoli may remain closed and collect secretions, causing them to become prone to disease. The possibility of this is reduced in yogic breathing.
Normal breathing
Yogic breathing
Yogic breathing
Lie down in shavasana and relax the whole body. Inhale slowly from the diaphragm, allowing the abdomen to expand fully. Breathe slowly and deeply so that little or no sound is heard. Feel the air filling the bottom lobes of the lungs. After full abdominal expansion, expand the chest outwards and upwards. At the end of this movement, inhale a little more and feel the air filling the upper lobes of the lungs. The shoulders and collarbones should move up slightly. This completes one inhalation. The whole process should be one continuous movement, each phase of the breath merging into the next without any obvious demarcation point. The breathing should be like the swell of the sea with no jerking or unnecessary strain. Now start to exhale. First relax the collarbones and shoulders. Then allow the chest to relax downward and then inward.