consciousness the result. They are two aspects of existence which determine the nature of everything.
Consciousness is being, awareness, knowledge; prana is becoming, manifestation through motion. Consciousness is a dormant experience whereas prana is the active principle of manifest energy. They are the two eternal principles that are the basis of the macrocosmos and the microcosmos. Everything is a combination of prana and chitta. The entire universe, creation and existence are a play of consciousness and energy. The life force and mental force permeate every atom and cell of the universe, though remaining at different degrees of separation.
Individual prana In the Shiva Swarodaya, Devi asks Shiva: "In this universe who is the greatest friend of man?" Shiva replies (v. 219):
प्राण एव परं मित्रं प्राण एव परः सखा।
प्राणतुल्यः परो बन्धुनास्ति नास्ति वरानने ॥ Prana is the greatest friend, prana is the greatest companion. O fair one, there is no closer friend in this universe than prana.
All beings are composites of prana, which gives them life and existence. The quantum of prana of each individual is indicated by the power of the personality, which reflects one's natural capacity to wield prana. Some persons are more successful, commanding and fascinating than others due to the level of their prana. The Prashnopanishad explains that prana springs from the atman and is as inseparable from the self as the shadow from one who casts it.
Often the word prana is translated as breath. However, prana is not the oxygen or the air that one breathes. Yogis have proved that one can stop breathing for long periods of time and yet continue to live. An experiment was conducted at the Menninger Foundation, USA, on Swami Nadabrahm