Hold this position while inhaling and exhaling deeply for 10 breaths.
Feel the predominant use of the left lung in this position. Become conscious of the movement in the left lung only. Inhale returning to the upright position and exhale while bending to the left side, as far as is comfortable.
Hold this position for 10 deep breaths. Feel the predominant use of the right lung.
This may be repeated 3 times on each side.
Technique 2: expanding the lungs
Lie on your back with the legs folded in padmasana or any cross-legged position.
Bring the arms over the head, holding the elbow of each opposite arm. The arms should be flat on the floor.
Try to bring the knees as close as possible to the floor, stretching the pelvis.
In this position the spine becomes arched, giving a stretch to the chest, allowing maximum lung expansion.
Breathe slowly and deeply with awareness of each breath, feeling the expansion in the lungs.
Increase your awareness of the breath in the lungs. Continue deep, regular breathing for 3-5 minutes.