Conscious Breathing
A yogi measures the span of life by the number of breaths, not by the number of years.
-Swami Sivananda
Breathing is a natural process and the normal rate is 15 breaths per minute, 900 breaths per hour and 21,600 breaths per 24 hours. When the breathing rate is increased, longevity is decreased. At the rate of fifteen breaths per minute one will live up to 75 or 80 years. At the rate of ten breaths per minute the lifespan is lengthened to about 100 years. The lifespan is shortened when the breathing rate is above 15 breaths per minute, as in the case of a dog that lives for 10 or 15 years. Quick, shallow breathing is an ageing factor as well as being detrimental to physical and emotional wellbeing, integration and balance. One should become conscious of the breath and learn to maintain the normal breathing rate of fifteen breaths per minute. If one relaxes the body, stops worrying, and becomes aware of the breath for a minute or so, the breathing rate will drop down to fifteen.
Incorrect and irregular breathing often reflects various disturbances in the body and mind. One is familiar with the disruption in the breathing pattern associated with pain or powerful emotions. A sob of grief, a startled gasp, and the deep trembling breaths of anger are well known examples of how emotion affects the breathing. This process also works