• Only one case (1%) of Caesarean section compared to 4%
in the control group • None of the newborns suffered from lack of oxygen (0%
against 12%) • Greater average weight for the newborns (3325 g
compared to 2850 g).
The results indicate that the regular practice of bhramari during pregnancy alleviates anxiety and stress. The hormone balance of the women is better regulated, which promotes the birth of healthy children.
In another study conducted by Dr. Singh, bhramari provided multiple benefits in surgical patients, showing shorter healing time, less infection, reduced requirement of anaesthetic and fewer post-operative problems overall.
There is ample evidence that bhramari works as a stress reducer. The vibrations of the humming sound influence different parts of the brain, eliminating anxiety and promoting a calm state of mind. Bhramari also stimulates the hypothalamus, the pineal and the pituitary glands.
The reason behind the tranquillizing effects of bhramari is pointed out by an experiment conducted by dermatologist A.B. Lerner and his colleagues in 1959 at the Yale School of Medicine, USA". They were looking for a cure for melanoma, skin cancer caused by an excess of melanin, and found that the pineal gland secreted a hormone, now known as melatonin, which inhibits melanin formation. However, what they also found was that the injection of this hormone put the laboratory animals to sleep. Melatonin is a natural tranquillizer produced by the body, like endorphins, which are painkillers. As bhramari stimulates the pineal gland, it is able to create its signature effects.
Research on kapalbhati and bhastrika Normally, hyperventilation would have an adverse effect on the body, causing dizziness and other symptoms. Studies have shown, however, that when yogic rapid breathing techniques such as bhastrika and kapalbhati are performed, these