Overall, it was found that performance speed in repetitive mathematical task increased in the whole group and BHT and peak expiratory flow showed improvement all throughout. It is interesting that the older age group showed more benefit from BHT as compared to the middle or younger age group. BHT being an indicator of health of cardiac and respiratory systems, it is likely that the older age group, which is more prone to blockages in the vascular system, benefited more from the purifying action of nadi shodhana pranayama. The overall cardiovascular effect showed stimulation during early phases as the subjects were trying to achieve a predetermined pattern of breathing. As their bodies got adjusted to this pattern, balance in the autonomous nervous system became manifest. In terms of swara, significant change was recorded in the balanced flow in the two nostrils. Pranic experiences at ajna were more noticeable as compared to those at mooladhara.
In another study conducted by YRF in 2007 on 30 hypertensive adults in Bhopal in association with the national corporate organization Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. (BHEL), it was found that the practice of nadi shodhana pranayama for one month (ratio of 1:1 without kumbhaka) brought down both systolic and diastolic blood pressures. The systolic BP came down by 10 mmHg on an average by the end of two minutes and continued to fall during and after the practice (total 14.5 mmHg). The diastolic BP showed parallel changes with total fall of 4.2 mmHg. This indicated that the sympathetic overtone in the subjects was reduced through the practice.
Research on ujjayi YRF also conducted a study in 2006 in Bhopal on the effects of ujjayi pranayama. Twenty-two asthmatics, eleven hypertensives and seven healthy adults practised ujjayi for over one month for five minutes every day. The asthmatics gained the most from the practice. Oxygen saturation or the amount of oxygen assimilated into blood increased from 0.75 percent