to understand this process through modern scientific principles as well.
There are billions of cells in the brain which exist in a chaotic order, without any discipline or unity, shown as random brainwave activity when measured on an EEG machine. These cells are oscillating forms of energy or shakti, comprising the totality of brainwave activity. The chaos in the brain and mind is also a result of the millions of archetypes that exist as unorganized geometric patterns and influence one's actions, thoughts, decisions, feelings and awareness as a whole. When the basic elements of the brain move in such a chaotic fashion, so does the thinking process. Pranayama holds the key to blend them together as one pulsating unit.
One cannot discipline or organize the physical brain or bring order into the chaotic elements of the brain without first balancing the nadis. The brain is controlled by the chakras and nadis. Mental balance is not possible unless one is able to balance the ida and pingala nadis through yogic practices. The practices of pranayama are of major importance because they purify and balance the flows of ida and pingala nadis to awaken sushumna nadi and kundalini. Thus the brain cells are stimulated, the brainwaves are streamlined and the archetypes are reorganized. In this way new languages can be learnt, behaviour can be transformed, a culture can be reconstituted, and a civilization can be given a new turn altogether.
According to science, the grey matter of the brain changes during the natural course of human evolution. This process is hastened through the practice of pranayama, and one is able to evolve beyond the natural evolutionary cycle. The benefits of such an event are too numerous to describe, but can be realized only by self-investigation into yoga.
Conscious breathing Breathing is a unique vital process, which normally functions unconsciously, but one also has the ability to breathe consciously. Other unconscious processes, such as the heartbeat, body temperature and metabolic activity, cannot be controlled