Advasana (reversed corpse pose)
Lie on the stomach. Stretch both arms above the head with the palms facing downward. The forehead should be resting on the floor. Relax the whole body in the same way as described for shavasana. If there is difficulty breathing or a sense of suffocation is
experienced, a pillow may be placed under the chest. Breathing: Natural and rhythmic. The number of breaths may
be counted as in shavasana while gently pushing the
abdomen against the floor. Duration: For relaxation in the treatment of ailments, it should
be performed for as long as possible. Before or during an
asana session, a few minutes is sufficient. Awareness: Physical - on the breath, the number of breaths
and relaxing the whole body.
Spiritual - on ajna or manipura chakra. Benefits: Recommended for those with slipped disc, stiff neck
and stooping figure. People with these conditions will also
find this asana an excellent sleeping position. Practice note: Mantra may also be synchronised with the breath
as in shavasana.