Relaxation Asanas
The importance of this series of relaxation poses cannot be over-emphasised. They should be performed before and after the asana session and at any time when the body becomes tired. The asanas in this group appear very easy at first, yet to do them properly is quite difficult for the tension in all the muscles of the body must be consciously released. The muscles often seem to be completely relaxed but, in fact, tightness still remains. Even during sleep, relaxation is elusive. The asanas in this chapter give the body the rest it so badly needs. Constant postural abnormalities put excess strain on the muscles of the back which hardly receive proper relaxation in the conventional supine position. Therefore certain relaxation practices which are done in the prone position are very relaxing to the spine and related structures. They are especially recommended for any back/spinal problem. These postures can be adopted during any time of the day for any comfortable duration. They can be combined with relaxing daily activities as well.