Breathing in, lean back as far as possible, drawing the hands back towards the shoulders. This is one round. The hands should make a complete circular movement in every round, moving up the sides of the legs and trunk. The legs should be kept straight throughout. Practise 5 to 10 rounds. Reverse the direction of the rowing movement as though going in the opposite direction.
Practise 5 to 10 times. Stage 2: In the same sitting position, spread the legs so that
the feet are about one metre apart. The legs should remain straight throughout the practice. Repeat the procedure as given in stage 1. First row over the right leg, then the left leg and then over
the space between the feet. Breathing: Inhale while leaning back.
Exhale while bending forward. Awareness: On the breath, movement and lower back and
pelvic area. Benefits: This asana has a positive effect on the pelvis and
abdomen and eliminates energy blockages in these areas. It is especially useful for gynaecological disorders and postnatal recovery. It also removes constipation.