deep slumber around swayambhu linga. It is the source of all energy in mankind and the universe whether sexual, emotional, mental, psychic or spiritual. While this energy is one, it takes on various qualities and attributes depending on the psychic centre through which it manifests. The aim of yoga is to awaken the dormant kundalini through self-purification and concentration of mind and to lead it up through the chakras to sahasrara where, as pure energy or Shakti, it unites with pure consciousness, Shiva.
For concentration on mooladhara chakra, visualise the red inverted triangle or the yellow square, symbols of energy and solidity, to enhance inner stability and balance.
Swadhisthana chakra: Approximately two fingers' width above mooladhara chakra in the spine, directly behind the genital organs is swadhisthana chakra. The literal meaning of the word swadhisthana is 'one's own abode'. The Sanskrit word swa means 'self and sthan means 'dwelling place'. This chakra is symbolised by a crimson lotus with six petals. In the centre is a white crescent moon, the yantra of apas tattwa, the water element, and the beeja mantra vam. The crescent moon yantra and beeja mantra are riding on a crocodile, symbolising the subterranean movement of the karmas.
Swadhisthana chakra is associated with seeking pleasure through the tongue and genital organs. Whereas material security is sought in mooladhara chakra, in swadhisthana the emphasis is on enjoyment, on the pleasurable sensations associated with food and drink and sexual interaction. When swadhisthana becomes active, it may manifest as overwhelming desires or cravings for these things. On the physical level, swadhisthana is associated with the organs of excretion and reproduction. Visualisation of this centre can help rectify disorders of these functions.
On a deeper level, swadhisthana chakra is the seat of the individual and collective unconscious; it is the storehouse of all samskaras, past mental impressions stored in the form of archetypes. It is the centre of humankind's most primitive and deep-rooted instincts. By purifying this centre the animal nature is transcended.