This in turn awakens the dormant areas in the brain and the corresponding faculties in the psychic and mental bodies, allowing one to experience higher planes of consciousness which are normally inaccessible.
The major chakras are seven in number and are located along the pathway of sushumna which flows through the centre of the spinal cord. Sushumna originates at the perineum and terminates at the top of the head. The chakras are connected to a network of psychic channels called nadis, which correspond to the nerves but are more subtle in nature. The chakras are depicted symbolically as lotus flowers, each having a particular number of petals and a characteristic colour. The lotus symbolises the three stages the aspirant must pass through in spiritual life: ignorance, aspiration and illumination. It represents spiritual growth from the lowest state of awareness to the highest state of consciousness.
The petals of the lotus, inscribed with the beeja mantras or seed sounds of the Sanskrit alphabet, represent the different manifestations of psychic energy connected with the chakras and the nadis or psychic channels leading into and out of them. Within each chakra is a yantra comprised of the geometrical symbol of its associated element and beeja mantra. Within the yantra there is also a presiding deity, which represents particular aspects of divinity, along with the corresponding vahana or vehicle which is an animal form, representing other psychic aspects related with the particular centre.
Description of the seven chakras Mooladhara chakra: The lowest of the chakras is situated at the perineum in the male body and at the cervix in the female body. The word mool means 'root' and adhara means 'place'. Therefore, it is known as the root centre. Mooladhara chakra is associated with the sense of smell. It is symbolised by a deep red lotus with four petals. In the centre is a yellow square, the yantra oiprithvi tattwa, the earth element, and the beeja mantra lam. In the centre of the square is a red triangle, the symbol of shakti or creative energy, with its apex pointing