to strengthen the abdominal and pelvic muscles, reshape the body and readjust the position of the inner organs. Benefits: Nauli massages and tones the entire abdominal area including muscles, nerves, intestines, reproductive, urinary and excretory organs. It generates heat in the body and stimulates appetite, digestion, assimilation, absorption and excretion. It helps to balance the adrenal component of the endocrine system.
This practice alleviates constipation, indigestion, nervous diarrhoea, acidity, flatulence, depression, hormonal imbalances, sexual and urinary disorders, diabetes, lack of energy and emotional disturbances.
Nauli stimulates and purifies manipura chakra, the storehouse of prana. It helps to increase mental clarity and power by harmonising the energy flows in the body. Practice note: Before attempting nauli the practices of agnisar
kriya and uddiyana bandha should be mastered.
When nauli has been perfected in the standing position it may be practised in siddha/siddha yoni asana.
Note: The word nauli comes from the root nala or nali which means a 'reed' or 'hollow stalk' and refers to a tubular vessel, vein or nerve of the body. The word nala is the Sanskrit term for the rectus abdominii muscles. Nauli is also known as lauliki karma. The word lauliki is derived from the root lola which means 'to move hither and thither' or 'rolling and agitation' which is exactly what this technique does. It rolls, rotates and agitates the entire abdomen and the associated muscles and nerves.