The fingers may point either inward or outward. The weight of the upper body should rest comfortably on this area above the knees. The arms should remain straight. Perform jalandhara bandha while maintaining bahir kumbhaka, external breath retention. Keep the eyes open and watch the abdomen. Suck in the lower abdomen Contract the rectus abdominii muscles so that they form a central arch running vertically in front of the abdomen. Contract the muscles as much as possible without straining. Hold the contraction for as long as it is comfortable to hold the breath. Release the contraction, raise the head and return to the upright position. Inhale slowly and deeply allowing the abdomen to expand. Relax the whole body. This is 1 round. Relax in the standing position until the heartbeat returns to normal. Repeat the practice. Madhyama nauli should be perfected before proceeding
to vama nauli. Stage 2: Vama Nauli (left isolation)
Follow the instructions for madhyama nauli as described above, to the point where the lower abdomen is contracted and the rectus abdominii muscles form a central, vertical arch down the abdomen. Isolate the rectus abdominii muscles at the left side. Contract the muscles to the left side as strongly as possible without straining (the diagram for this practice is the mirror image of dakshina nauli as shown overleaf). Return to madhyama nauli. Release the abdominal contraction, raise the head and return to the upright position. Inhale slowly and deeply, allowing the abdomen to expand. This is one round. Relax in the upright position until the heartbeat returns to normal. Proceed to stage 3.