Ingestion: Squat with the heels flat on the ground and the buttocks raised or sit on a low stool.
Place the bowl containing the cloth on the ground between the feet.
Relax the whole body.
Take hold of one end of the cloth, leaving the other end immersed in the water.
Fold the two corners of the end of the cloth so that it is slightly pointed; this will allow it to pass down the throat more easily.
Place the pointed end as far back on the tongue as possible and then hold the cloth outside the mouth with the index fingers and thumbs as shown in the diagram.
Begin to swallow the cloth. If it catches in the throat and will not pass down, take a sip or two of warm water, but just a little, as the stomach is to be filled with the cloth and not with water.
The cloth should be chewed gently as if it were food; this will induce copious secretions of saliva to enable the cloth to slip down with ease.
The cloth may stick in the lowest part of the throat and a vomiting sensation may be experienced. Stop for a fewmoments until this passes and then continue swallowing. Once the cloth passes a little further down, past the junction of the windpipe and the oesophagus, the problem will end and it will slide smoothly into the stomach. Gradually feed more and more of the cloth into the mouth as the end slips down the oesophagus, but do not feed it too quickly or it will bunch up in the mouth and make the practice difficult.
Do not swallow the whole cloth; allow at least 30 cm to protrude from the mouth.
Churning: Stand up.
Practise dakshina (right) and vaman (left) nauli first, then perform rotations.
Finally perform madhyama (middle) nauli.
3 to 5 minutes of nauli is sufficient for cleaning the stomach. Beginners should only practise for 1 minute.