severely overloaded or bad food has been taken it may be
performed much earlier. Frequency: Kunjal and gaja kriyas may be performed once a
week unless otherwise directed by a yoga teacher or therapist. Vyaghra kriya should be performed only when
necessary. Precaution: When the vomiting reflex ceases to bring up any
water, stop the technique as it is a sure sign that the stomach is empty. These techniques remove some of the stomach lining, leaving it temporarily vulnerable. For this reason it is advised not to eat until half an hour after
completion of the practice. Sequence: All techniques should be followed by jala neti. Contra-indications: These practices should not be performed
by people suffering from hernia, high blood pressure, raised intracranial pressure, heart disease, stroke, acute
peptic ulcer or by diabetics with eye problems. Benefits: These techniques tone and stimulate all the abdomi
nal organs by inducing strong muscular contractions in the stomach walls. The problems of indigestion, acidity and gas are overcome. Excess mucus is removed from the body, helping to remedy cough and cold, bronchitis, asthma, and other respiratory ailments. Bad breath is eradicated. These techniques also help to release pent-up emotions and emotional blocks or feelings of heaviness in the heart
caused by inner and external conflict and pressures. Practice note: The biggest obstacle to these techniques is the
mental block which people have towards the idea of vomiting.