Kunjal Kriya or Vaman Dhauti (regurgitative cleansing) Preparation: Wash the hands and make sure the nails are
carefully trimmed. Prepare about two litres of lukewarm (body temperature) water per person, adding one teaspoonful of salt per litre according to taste.
Technique 1: Kunjal Kriya (the practice of vomiting water)
Stand near a sink or toilet, or if the weather is warm, in a suitable place outside in the garden or near an open drain. Drink at least six glasses of the prepared water one after the other, as quickly as possible, until it feel that the stomach cannot hold any more. It is most important to drink fast and not just sip the water. When the stomach is full, the urge to vomit will occur automatically. Lean forward, keeping the trunk as horizontal as possible. Open the mouth and place the middle and index fingers of the right hand as far back on the tongue as possible. Gently rub and press the back of the tongue. This should induce the water to gush out from the stomach.