Yoga Mudra (attitude of psychic union)
Sit in padmasana. Take hold of one wrist behind the back. Close the eyes and relax the whole body. Bring the awareness to mooladhara chakra (slight moola bandha may also be performed.) Inhale slowly and feel the breath gradually rising from mooladhara to ajna chakra. Retain the breath for a few seconds and concentrate on ajna chakra. Exhale slowly while bending forward, synchronising the movement with the breath so that the forehead just touches the floor as the air is fully expelled from the lungs. Final position is yogamudrasana (see chapter Padmasana Group of Asanas). Simultaneously, feel the breath gradually move downward from ajna to mooladhara chakra. Retain the breath outside for a few seconds while concentrating on mooladhara chakra. Inhale, raise the trunk to the vertical position and be aware of the breath moving upward from mooladhara to ajna chakra. All these movements should be performed in a harmonious, smooth and synchronised manner. Remaining in the upright position, hold the breath for a few seconds while concentrating on ajna chakra. Exhale slowly, moving the awareness back down the spine with the breath to mooladhara chakra. This is one round. Immediately start another round performing slight moola bandha with the breath still held out and the awareness at mooladhara chakra. Beginners may rest by taking a few normal breaths before starting another round. Perform 3 to 10 rounds.