Practice note: It is recommended that the practitioner be completely familiar with the practices of ujjayi, khechari and shambhavi before commencing akashi mudra. At first ujjayi pranayama may irritate the throat when performed with the head back. However, with practice, it will become more comfortable.
Note: Like bhoochari, akashi mudra belongs to a group of techniques featuring gazing at an external focal point as a means to achieving dharana or the meditative state of relaxed concentration. For illustration refer to moorchha pranayama.
Shanmukhi Mudra (closing the seven gates)
Sit in siddha/siddha yoni asana, if possible. Otherwise take a comfortable meditation asana and place a small cushion beneath the perineum to provide pressure in this area. Hold the head and spine straight.
Close the eyes and place the hands on the knees. Relax the whole body.