Become fully engrossed in this point of nothingness. Simultaneously be aware of any thought processes. Be aware of space only; there should be no registration of outer events in the field of conscious perception.
Continue the practice for 5 to 10 minutes. Contra-indications: As for shambhavi mudra. Benefits: Same as for nasikagra drishti and shambhavi mudra.
Bhoochari mudra develops the power of concentration and memory. It tranquillises and introverts the mind and is particularly beneficial for people who express a lot of
anger. Practice note: Bhoochari mudra may be practised in almost
any position and in almost any place. However, it is best performed facing a blank wall or an open space such as the sky or a body of still water. This ensures that there are no visual obstructions to distract the attention.
Note: Bhoochari mudra may be performed as a preparation for
meditation and as a meditation technique in its own right. It belongs to a group of techniques featuring gazing at an external focal point as a means to achieve dharana or the meditative state of relaxed concentration. It is allied to nasikagra drishti and shambhavi mudras, all three being forms oftrataka.