Kaki Mudra (the crow's beak)
Sit in any comfortable meditation asana with the head and spine straight and the hands resting on the knees in either chin or jnana mudra. Close the eyes and relax the whole body for a few minutes. Open the eyes and perform nasikagra drishti by focusing both eyes on the nose tip. Try not to blink the eyes throughout this practice. Purse the lips forming a beak through which air may be inhaled. The tongue should be relaxed. Breathe in slowly and deeply through the pursed lips. At the end of inhalation close the lips and exhale slowly through the nose.
Repeat the process for 3 to 5 minutes. Duration: This practice may be continued for a longer duration;
however, care should be taken not to strain the eyes. Awareness: Be aware of the flow and sound of the breath, and
of the nose tip. Sequence: This mudra restores heat balance in the body and
may be performed after heating pranayamas.