4. Bandha, lock mudras: These practices combine mudra and bandha. They charge the system with prana and prepare it for kundalini awakening. Techniques included in this category:
Maha mudra
Maha bheda mudra
Maha vedha mudra.
5. Adhara, perineal mudras: These techniques redirect prana from the lower centres to the brain. Mudras concerned with sublimating sexual energy are in this group. Techniques included in this category:
Ashwini mudra
Vajroli/sahajoli mudra.
Between them these groups engage substantial areas of the cerebral cortex. The comparatively large number of head and hand mudras reflects the fact that operation and interpretation of information coming in from these two areas occupies approximately fifty percent of the cortex.
Mudras are performed either in combination with or after asanas and pranayamas. The mudras presented in this book represent a small selection of those discussed in the yogic texts. For more information on mudras see the Bihar School of Yoga publications Yoga and Kriya, Yoga Darshan and Hatha Yoga Pradipika.