Spiritual - after performing the bandhas, rotate the consciousness through mooladhara, manipura and vishuddhi chakras in turn. Remain aware of each chakra
for a few seconds and then move to the next. Duration: Once proficiency is attained, and only then, increase
by one round over a period of time until 9 rounds can be
performed. Precaution: Do not attempt maha bandha until the other three
bandhas have been mastered. Contra-indications: People suffering from high or low blood
pressure, heart conditions, stroke, hernia, stomach or intestinal ulcer, and those recovering from any visceral ailment should avoid this practice. Pregnant women should
also not attempt this practice. Benefits: Maha bandha gives the benefits of all three bandhas.
It affects the hormonal secretions of the pineal gland and regulates the entire endocrine system. The decaying, degenerative and ageing processes are checked and every cell of the body is rejuvenated. It soothes anger and introverts the mind prior to meditation. When perfected it can fully awaken prana in the main chakras. It leads to the merger of prana, apana and samana in agni mandala,
which is the culmination of all pranayamas. Practice note: Maha bandha can also be performed from utthan
padasana. Note: The Sanskrit word maha means 'great'. Maha bandha is called
the great lock as it combines all the three bandhas in one practice. For the traditional hatha yoga technique refer to the Bihar School of Yoga publication Hatha Yoga Pradipika.