Note: Kapalbhati is also one of the six shatkarmas. The Sanskrit
word kapal means 'cranium' or 'forehead' and bhati means 'light' or 'splendour' and also 'perception or 'knowledge'. Hence kapalbhati is the practice which brings a state of light or clarity to the frontal region of the brain. Another name for this practice is kapalshodhana, the word shodhana meaning 'to purify'.
Moorchha Pranayama (swooning or fainting breath)
Sit in any comfortable meditation asana, preferably padmasana or siddha/siddha yoni asana. Keep the head and spine straight. Relax the whole body. Observe the breath until it becomes slow and deep. Adopt khechari mudra, then slowly inhale through both nostrils with ujjayi pranayama, while gently and smoothly bending the head slightly back. Perform shambhavi mudra. Keep the arms straight by locking the elbows and pressing the knees with the hands. Retain the breath inside for as long as is comfortable, maintaining shambhavi mudra.